Get specialized services for all of your food safety needs.
Our services
Food Safety Consulting
Freshield Food Safety offers a variety of food safety consulting services, from developing or improving your written programs, to audit gap assessments, to achieving compliance with customer or regulatory standards. Our expertise includes Preventive Controls, HACCP Plans, Seafood HACCP, FDA label compliance, food safety and quality services, and several GFSI audit schemes. Please contact us so that we can discuss your specific situation and meet your food safety needs.
Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory compliance is an incredibly important aspect of any organization serving or manufacturing food for public consumption. We can assist you in ensuring that your organization or facility is meeting all of the necessary requirements of your local health department, the USDA, MDARD, or the FDA. We can help you craft a corrective action plan and response to violations or citations. We also have experience developing labels with FDA compliant formatting and nutrition information. For additional guidance in this area, please visit our Resources page.
We offer a range of food safety training classes. Freshield offers trainings that meet regulatory requirements such as online FDA FSMA FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCQI) Training for the food manufacturing industry as well as ServSafe Food Manager training for the food service industry. In addition we can also develop custom courses to meet your organization’s specific food safety training needs. If you are interested in any of these trainings or would like to speak with us about creating a custom training for you, you can learn more here.
Food Safety Plan Development
All food manufacturing facilities are required to document their food safety plans under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This may include FDA compliant Food Safety Plans with Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls or the USDA’s required HACCP Plans (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point). It also includes the standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), forms, and other documentation required to support these plans. Those processing seafood or seafood containing products for sale off-site are required to develop a Seafood HACCP Plan. Restaurants with specialized food processes like sous vide, curing, or fermentation, also require a documented HACCP Plan and supporting SOPs.
If you need help developing this documentation, please contact us here. We specialize in FSMA-compliant food safety plans and can serve as your Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) as defined by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA)
Food Safety Templates and Forms
We provide a collection of blank food safety forms and templates to give you a head start on your program development. For those looking to create their own plans, these files serve as a helpful template to get started. These templates may be used by a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) as defined by Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA). To purchase forms for your Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)-compliant food safety management system, click here.
HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. A HACCP Plan is a systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and control of food safety hazards.
USDA regulated facilities are required to develop a HACCP Plan. FDA regulated manufacturers dealing with seafood or juice are required to develop a specialized HACCP Plan specific to the seafood or juice industries. All other FDA regulated manufacturers fall under the Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation, which requires a written Food Safety Plan with a Hazard Analysis and Risk Based Preventive Controls.
In addition, restaurants or other food service establishments may be required to develop a HACCP plan depending on what they are serving. If your food service establishment uses any of the following special processes you may need to develop a HACCP Plan:
-Smoking as a method of food preservation
-Use of food additives (common with sushi rice)
-Reduced Oxygen Packing (Common terms like ROP, cook-chill, sous vide, MAP, vacuum packing, or controlled atmosphere packaging)
-Live Molluscan Shellfish Tanks
-Sprouted Seeds
-Processing and Packaging Juice
-Custom Processing of Animals
Standard Operating Procedures, or SOPs, are written practices and procedures of how your establishment will produce safe food.
All food processing or manufacturing facilities are required to have SOPs. Restaurants and other food service establishments are also required to develop Standard Operating Procedures.
FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Training
If you are a food manufacturing facility regulated by the FDA you are required to have at least one Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) oversee the development and implementation of your food safety plan(s). Completing the FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food training is one way to meet the qualification as a PCQI. Freshield Food Safety offers Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCQI) training. Click here for current offerings.
Alternatively, Freshield Food Safety may serve as your PCQI and work with you to develop a food safety plan, as the FDA does not require the PCQI be an employee of the company. Click here to contact us about consulting services.
HACCP Training
Food manufacturers processing meat, poultry or eggs are regulated by the USDA, and they are required to develop a HACCP plan for all unique processes and products. The individual developing and reassessing the HACCP plan must have HACCP training. Freshield Food Safety can assist in the development of your HACCP plan. Click here to contact us about consulting services to develop your HACCP Plan.
If you wish to receive HACCP training for you or your employees, we recommend contacting the Michigan State University Extension or another reputable training organization. Some of these HACCP classes have an optional Juice HACCP module included.
Seafood HACCP Training
Seafood processors are regulated by the FDA and are required to have a specialized Seafood HACCP Plan. Freshield Food Safety can assist in the development of your Seafood HACCP plan. Click here to contact us about consulting services to develop your Seafood HACCP Plan. Alternatively, you may pursue Seafood HACCP certification through an accredited Seafood HACCP training organization.
ServSafe Training
If you are a food service establishment, you are required to have one person on staff during operating hours who has successfully earned a Food Manager certification. Freshield Food Safety offers Food Manager training and exam proctoring through ServSafe. For our current ServSafe offerings, click here. Food service establishments are regulated by their local county or city health department.
“I can’t overstate how helpful Matt’s help has been for our company. I would recommend Freshield to anyone serving food to the public.”