Do you need to register with FDA?

Coffee roasters may need to register with the FDA

Should you be registered with the FDA? If you process food for sale to other businesses, and you buy ingredients from or sell your products to businesses in other states, then FDA registration is likely required (check with your state’s food safety department to be sure). This is how the FDA knows you exist as a food business, and it gives them the right to inspect your facility.

Registering with the FDA sounds complicated, but fortunately the FDA has listed a guide on their website to help you register (and we can help you too). If your food facility needs to register with the FDA you will need to know basic information like the type of registration, facility name, and address.

You’ll also need to know information specific to your facility like general product categories and types of activity conducted at the facility.

This process can be completed online using the FDA’s FDA Industry System (FIS), found at

Honey producers not at a small facility may need to register with the FDA

Larger honey producers may need to register with the FDA.


FDA Approved vs. Registered with FDA


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