Can I Take Free PCQI Training?

Is it possible to find free Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) Training?

Many food industry professionals look at the price tag of PCQI training and wonder, is there free PCQI training available? Our answer is: typically, no. We have yet to find free PCQI training that meets the requirements for certificate issuance by the FSPCA, which is the organization that developed the standardized curriculum recognized by the FDA. We don’t offer free PCQI training and we haven’t found any of our fellow Lead Instructors who offer free PCQI training.

While it may be surprising that free PCQI training is not usually available, here are some reasons why that might be the case:

  • PCQI training uses a standard curriculum that was developed by the FSPCA. This took years of collaboration by many food industry and regulatory experts working many hours to produce adequate training materials.

  • FSPCA’s standard curriculum and resulting training certificate are recognized by the FDA, and the FSPCA charges a certificate fee for each student.

  • With very few exceptions, at least 8 and up to 20 hours of the training must be given live (in person or virtual) by a Lead Instructor.

  • To become a Lead Instructor for PCQI training, one must have extensive experience as a food safety professional as well as experience as a PCQI, and must complete Lead Instructor training from the FSPCA in order to teach the course.

PCQI training is offered by professional PCQI Lead Instructors who invest a significant amount of time and money to present the course according to FSPCA requirements. For this reason, free Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) training is often not available.

free pcqi training is not usually available for snack manufacturers

Many food companies take advantage of the blended and remote Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) training options that are now available so that they can efficiently meet this requirement.

If you are interested in participating in PCQI training, we recommend you avoid free PCQI training found online as it may not be recognized by the FSPCA, and as a result, would not be recognized by the FDA. Seek out PCQI training from a reputable Lead Instructor who is using the FSPCA standard curriculum recognized by the FDA.

Live training with a PCQI Lead Instructor not only meets the FDA requirement, but also offers the opportunity to ask questions, network with other food safety professionals in the course, and work through food safety plan building exercises together during the class to ensure comprehension and confidence.

Although Freshield Food Safety doesn’t offer free Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) training, we do offer PCQI training using FSPCA standard curriculum recognized by the FDA. Upon successful completion of your PCQI training with us you will receive a certificate of completion issued by the FSPCA.

Our lead instructors are experts in the food safety industry and Freshield Food Safety’s PCQI trainings are engaging and interactive. Contact us with any questions about PCQI training and what we offer! Or you can see our current PCQI training schedule here.


What Does PCQI Mean?


Does My Food Company Need a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI)?